James Bond Nederland
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Press release: announcement of Foundation James Bond Nederland

James Bond Nederland has taken the next step: it has become a foundation. In doing so, JBN is opting for professionalism and stability.

Our history

In 2006, Merlijn Kuiper and Jorrit van der Valk (chairman) decided to start James Bond Nederland (JBN) based on their passion for James Bond. On 14 November 2006, the website launched. Our goal: to provide visitors in the Netherlands, Flanders and other Dutch speaking areas with the latest news about James Bond. Partly due to the international contacts, the number of wesbite visitors grew rapidly.

Johan Antens (treasurer and secretary) joined in 2011. In his early days he used to write articles, nowadays he is mostly active in the back office. The other board member, Gosse Drent, joined the editorial team in March 2019.

James Bond Nederland had been working with James Bond related companies such as Aston Martin, Bollinger, Heineken and Sony Home Entertainment. Over the years, the need to professionalise grew. Now the time has finally come!

At the editorial office we celebrated this step with a bottle of Macallan

Our goal

Stichting James Bond Nederland (English: Foundation James Bond Netherlands) was established on 25 February 2022. James Bond Nederland has the objective of collecting, presenting and distributing news around the fictional character James Bond in the Dutch language, including all related and ensuing activities.

Everything JBN publishes is done on an entirely voluntary basis. This is because everyone who writes for the website is a enthusiast of James Bond and is keen on sharing this with others. This means that board members nor editors are paid for their work. Income from, for example, advertisements, advertorials or donations is invested in the quality and safeguarding of our new foundation.

James Bond Nederland is always looking for new talent – including non-Dutch speaking people – and wants to stand out with unique articles and special projects. We are regularly featured on national media such as NPO Radio 1, BNR Nieuwsradio or locally on Omroep Brabant. We also collaborate with brands from the Bond series, such as Omega, Turnbull & Asser and Land Rover.

From left to right: Johan Antens, Jorrit van der Valk and Gosse Drent


Would you like to support Stichting James Bond Nederland by making a donation? You can do so by donating via the SEPA number at the bottom of this paragraph:

NL55 RABO 0338 6331 46 in name of Stichting James Bond Nederland

KVK number (Trade register number): 85622028

Our board members

The board currently consists of the following members:

Jorrit van der Valk

Jorrit founded James Bond Nederland in 2006 together with an acquaintance. With the aim of providing Dutch and Flemish 007 enthusiasts with James Bond news. Jorrit enjoys making video productions for James Bond Nederland and has a passion for the secret agent. His favourite film is The World Is Not Enough, incidentally the first Bond film he saw in the cinema.

Johan Antens
Secretary and Treasurer

When Johan was about 12 or 13 years old, he saw his first Bond film: The Man With The Golden Gun. He was immediately sold! Bond simply wouldn’t let go of him. However, it took a while before GoldenEye hit theaters. Since that moment he collects everything related to James Bond. He spends a lot of his spare time on this addictive hobby. When he is not busy with Bond, he is fanatical about Geocaching!

Gosse Drent
Board member

Gosse, often called a walking James Bond encyclopaedia by his father, has been a fan of world’s most famous secret agent since he was five years old. The video game Everything or Nothing introduced him to the world of 007 and he has never been able to let it go. He even shot his own Bond film for his tenth birthday. Nowadays, he covers everything related to the series, from the smallest details to the latest news.

You can find more about our volunteers on the Editorial page (in Dutch).


James Bond Nederland is het grootste online James Bond-platform van de Benelux en heeft als doel liefhebbers van 007 van nieuws, verdiepende artikelen en andere mooie content te voorzien.

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  • Ik ben al jaren fan van James Bond
    En heb de originele films laten inspireren voor een splinter nieuw script dat ik zelf heb geschreven
    En wil dat verhaal verfilmen
    Willen jullie me daarbij willen helpen ?
    Neem contact met me op om een afspraak te maken
    Mijn adres is
    De Ruijterlaan 141 A12 2121 VH Bennebroek
    Mijn telefoonnummer is