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The Bond Experience; Interview Defender/Triumph

Dit is misschien gek op een Nederlandstalige website maar ik schakel even over naar het Engels.

What do you get when you combine two awesome No Time To Die vehicles in one video? A seriously great off road experience! I got the opportunity to talk with my friend David Zaritsky from The Bond Experience.

De rij impressie met de NEW Land Rover Defender en de Triumph Scrambler 1200XE die je in de aankomende James Bond-film No Time To Die kunt bewonderen zag je al eerder bij ons. Het artikel is hier te lezen. De video zie je onder dit artikel. Vandaag focus ik me op het interview wat David van The Bond Experience met me had. Ik ga in het Engels verder.

A car, a motorcycle and two JB enthusiasts

David is a nice guy, very passionate about his hobby that is the James Bond lifestyle. Living like Bond, one moment at a time. So, when he saw our NEW Defender & Triumph Scrambler getest video he contacted me instantly. Showing the video to all of his international followers and talking about my experiences was his idea. I subtitled the Dutch video.

Pricey wading experience

The wading was something that David really liked. A true adventure on its own because it’s just a part of the video. That adventure got a twist when we filmed the part. There was a small hole in a fence where the Defender could fit trough. So we did. But some locals called the police on us. They told us that it was forbidden. It was a protected area. I checked it later, it wasn’t. If you look closely; The scenes where filmed on two various locations. Did they leave us to it? No, they didn’t, we got a fine.

Are those stunts real?

David was curious, are those stunts that we all have seen in the different trailers with the NEW Land Rover Defender real? Is there green screen/CGI used? Well first of all, we didn’t see the new trailers for November yet. I focussed on the April release trailers. The shots that you see there are real. The NEW Defenders and Triumph Scramblers 1200XEs flying through the air for real. They were fitted with the optional air suspension. I think that the standard coils will not survive those jumps.

No Time To Die Land Rover Defender 2020 010

De Nederlandstalige video

De video waarin ik samen met redacteur Gosse de NEW Defender test en onze testrijder Eric de Scrambler 1200XE aan de tand voelt kan je hieronder bekijken.

Jorrit van der Valk

Grondlegger van James Bond Nederland in 2006. Heeft als doel Nederlandse en Vlaamse 007-liefhebbers van James Bond-nieuws te voorzien. Jorrit maakt graag videoproducties voor James Bond Nederland en heeft een passie voor de geheim agent. Zijn favoriete film is The World Is Not Enough, de eerste Bond-film die hij in de bioscoop zag.


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